Stellar Investments: Your Complete Guide to Buying a Star

A Star Where It Shouldn't Be - Sky & Telescope - Sky & TelescopeHave you ever thought of buying a star as a unique gift for your loved one? The idea might sound exciting, but is it a genuine offer or just a scam? There are a lot of websites out there that claim to sell stars to people looking for a different and personalized gift. But do they hold any value? In this blog post, we will take a closer look at buying a star and provide you with all the information you need to know before making this purchase.


What is the concept of buying a star?


The process of buying a star involves naming a star in the sky after a person or a loved one. These are typically marketed as gift packages that include a certificate of registration, a star map showing the location of the star, and other novelty items like teddy bears or stuffed key chains. The buyer can choose specific constellations and zodiac signs and can even dedicate the star to someone special.


However, it is important to note that buying a star does not provide any legal rights to the named star. The International Astronomical Union is the only recognized authority for naming celestial bodies, and they do not recognize any commercial star-naming organizations.


Is it a genuine offer?


In short, no, it is not. While there are many websites that offer this service, buying and naming a star is not a legally recognized process. These websites act as novelty stores and only provide customers with certificates and maps showing the location of the star. The stars themselves are not actually owned or acknowledged by any organization or government. This means that the star name is not unique and can be sold to multiple people.


What can be a better alternative?


Instead of buying and naming a star, there are plenty of other unique gifts that you can give your loved one. Instead, consider getting them a personalized constellation map or a memorable experience like a hot air balloon ride or a spa experience. If you are interested in having something astral named after your loved one, consider finding a reputable astronomical society that will name an asteroid or minor planet after them.


What do the reviews say?


A quick internet search yields plenty of reviews from people who have bought stars and named them for their loved ones. While some people are happy with the gesture and the overall presentation and concept, some customers are dissatisfied with the price, poor quality of materials, and lack of customer service. Additionally, many people feel that the entire concept is a scam and a waste of money since the star cannot legally be owned or recognized.




In conclusion, while the idea of buying a star and naming it after someone may seem like a unique and special gift, it is important to understand that it does not hold any legal value. The stars cannot be bought, sold, or owned by commercial entities. Therefore, it is better to spend your money on other unique and memorable gifts that will truly make your loved one happy. Before you make any purchase, be sure to do your research and read reviews from other customers to avoid buying into a scam.